Get Around The Czech Republic By Bus

Get Around The Czech Republic By Bus

Czech Republic Get Around By Bus

A cheap and excellent means of travelling between Prague and other major cities are the buses from Regiojet. These buses are usually a bit faster and cost less than the Czech trains (not considering discounts). On some routes (e.g. Prague to Brno) this is marginal, but on others such as Prague to Karlovy Vary or Liberec, there is no direct train connection so the buses are by far the best option. Usually, you do not have to book a seat but if you travel on Fridays or during holidays from or to Prague, it is recommended. You can reserve seats online at the Regiojet website. Apart from this operator there are many other bus companies that link Prague and other cities and towns, even remote villages, regularly. Most buses leave Prague from the central bus station at Florenc, but other major bus stations can be found at Na Knížecí (metro station Andel), Cerný Most, Zlicín and Roztyly, all of which are located next to metro stations.

Local bus travel between small towns and surrounding villages is usually operated by companies named CSAD (district name), a remnant of the nationwide state-run company Ceskoslovenská Autobusová Doprava from communist times. On local buses you simply tell the driver where you're going and pay him a fare as you get on.
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