The MerredinLink - Australia
The MerredinLink
East Perth to MerredinDeparts/arrives: Public Transport Centre, Summers Street, East Perth.Arrives/departs: Merredin Station, Barrack Street, Merredin.
As the name suggests, the MerredinLink runs between East Perth and Merredin. It operates a return service every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, departing from East Perth Terminal. The MerredinLink service adds an additional trip on top of the nine return Prospector services each week, and is an extremely comfortable way to travel. It’s fully air conditioned, there are power points for laptop computers and free WiFi. It’s also fully accessible for people with a disability.Save Money with a Transwa SmartCommuter CardIf you’re a regular user of the MerredinLink and the AvonLink, the Transwa SmartCommuter Card is a great way to save on your fare. For an annual fee of just $60, you’ll enjoy a 35% discount off the standard adult fare every time you travel. Plus the good news is, you can use the Transwa SmartCommuter Card for discounts on the Australind and MerredinLink (between East Perth and Northam) services, too.
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